Freelance Illustrator
Hi guys!
I'm new here - and can hardly believe I've finally found a good free! Mac support site
Any ideas on how to fix my programs unexpectantly quitting??
The programs I'm having problems with are: Microsoft Messenger, Dreamweaver demo (newly downloaded) and Flash demo (newly downloaded)
Messenger I've been using for ages and has never done this before, Dreamweaver worked fine the first time I opened it and Flash hasn't worked yet... I've also tried re-installing and/or deleting prefs with no change.
Oh yeh I'm using a G4 400mhz with OSX 10.4.6 - recently tried a de-frag from 0S9.2.2 version of Norton and despite never being a problem b4 I ended up needing to re-install 0SX
Thanks in advance!
I'm new here - and can hardly believe I've finally found a good free! Mac support site

Any ideas on how to fix my programs unexpectantly quitting??
The programs I'm having problems with are: Microsoft Messenger, Dreamweaver demo (newly downloaded) and Flash demo (newly downloaded)
Messenger I've been using for ages and has never done this before, Dreamweaver worked fine the first time I opened it and Flash hasn't worked yet... I've also tried re-installing and/or deleting prefs with no change.
Oh yeh I'm using a G4 400mhz with OSX 10.4.6 - recently tried a de-frag from 0S9.2.2 version of Norton and despite never being a problem b4 I ended up needing to re-install 0SX
Thanks in advance!