Expected 'quit unexpectantly'!


Freelance Illustrator
Hi guys!
I'm new here - and can hardly believe I've finally found a good free! Mac support site :D awesome!

Any ideas on how to fix my programs unexpectantly quitting??

The programs I'm having problems with are: Microsoft Messenger, Dreamweaver demo (newly downloaded) and Flash demo (newly downloaded)

Messenger I've been using for ages and has never done this before, Dreamweaver worked fine the first time I opened it and Flash hasn't worked yet... I've also tried re-installing and/or deleting prefs with no change.

Oh yeh I'm using a G4 400mhz with OSX 10.4.6 - recently tried a de-frag from 0S9.2.2 version of Norton and despite never being a problem b4 I ended up needing to re-install 0SX

Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the forum. :)

You're first mistake was using anything with the name "Norton" on a Mac. Just like "Norton" in The Honeymooners, "Norton" applications tend to cause more harm than good. :p If you need some good software for disk maintenance, try TechTool Pro or DiskWarrior.

As for OS X, there really isn't a need to run defrag as you would in Windows. OS X manages this through the filesystem and "defrags" dynamically so there's really no need to do so in OS X.
Hey thanks!:)

That answers a few things I was wondering about - I must admit Norton has never really done anything but slow my mac down!

As a quick note - I've never been a PC user - my experience of them at college as a computer newbe put me off for life! This Mac was my first computer bought in '99 and has done very well with any problems really only coming about from my own lack of knowledge /stupidity! :P
That's a great story. Reminds me of one of the ad campaigns that Apple ran some years ago. Congrats! :)
HaHa! - not intended - I just love my Mac! :)

Still, anyone got any ideas on the 'unexpectantly quit' problem?? I've tried everything I can think of and getting nowhere... :(
Sometimes deleting each program's Plist may help. As mentioned, most Mac people stay away from Norton products. Give that a try and let us know if it works.
have you tried the good 'ol fashion re-install of the apps? also, since you've downloaded the macromedia demos, have you repaired your disk permissions? I've heard it's a good idea to do that after you install anything new to your hard drive.
Thanks mspain but - Yep, have re-installed about 5 times each now and have tried sorting it by repairing disk permissions about 4 to 5 times also. All in different orders along with deleting prefs... no change at all :(
Hmm, things have gone pretty quiet as far as ideas to sort this goes, so I'm guessing another re-install of osx in in order...? :(
I'm a bit confused as to why you're having application crashes after trashing the .plist files. Running the Norton defrag may have been a bad idea. I don't know if the problems you're having are related to that, but have you tried checking the hard drive?

Put your installation disc in, restart, hold down "C" until the machine starts from the CD. Then, from (I think) the menu, verify your hard drive to make sure there's no problem with the hard drive formatting.

Let us know what info you get from verifying your hard drive format. I'm not even sure corrupted files will be discovered using the Apple tools. If you have TechTool or Diskwarrior, they might be more useful.

If you do decide to reinstall OS X, a (tedious to be sure) way to ensure a lack of corrupted files would be to ** back up all important data ***, erase your hard drive, and reinstall OS X.

Good luck. And throw out that Norton CD. It's cr@p.

Yep me too - I finally gave in and have decided to re-install OSX, almost done now (just finishing up the software update to 10.4.6 as I type) It's fixed the problem with MSN at the moment... ...wondering if the problem may be issue with msn and osx10.4.6?? will see very soon! and let you know - back in a bit :)
Ok, that's all finished and - Success! all progs working! :) It seems it was all due to the Norton defrag (more like Norton 'Fragged' my Mac in the Quake sense of the word!) Well, very happy to be back in business after so much frustration - Thanks to all who made suggestions and helped out :) :) If I learnt anything from this, it's 'avoid Norton like the plague if you're running OSX!!!!'