Exposé shows hidden windows !


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I was using Mizilla when types F9... to my surprize one exta window appeard, named "hidden" ! I don't know where it was hidden, but Exposé revealed it.


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Looks to me like something I haven't seen since IE in OS 9, unclosable pop-under windows which are there only to open pop-ups...
It's just a window that coders use to open pop-up windows on annoying web sites. Usually it is coded to come up off screen. Expose forced it to come on screen. Thats my guess anyway.
Are you able to close it with expose?

Hmm. When I had a PC, I used to get tons of popups like that, but I've never seen anything like it on my Mac (currently 9.2.2/IE 5, soon to be 10.3).
I noticed that Mozilla usually does keep around a very small, unobtrusive window named "Hidden." Don't know if I ever tried closing it or not... I don't think you'd be able to even access that window without Exposé. I found it by Command-~ one day. It highlighted an unaccessible window named "Hidden" but I could never see it.
You can't touch this window, either from Moz or from Exposé. I've tried a few tricks, didn't work.

This is weird, indeed, chevy.
You can't click on it at all? Hmm... I wonder what it's doing. The Mac form of spyware perhaps?
Not at all, arden, spyware is more than a hidden window. As mentioned above, it's a programming hack. The Moz documentation should soon tell us more about that, I guess.
it's a window that site programmers code to show up off screen, as said before. it is the 'mother' window of any pop ups you see after it is opened. it's what causes a lot of grief for web browsers who swear they didn't even visit a web site and a pop up window showed up anyway.
mozilla has a built in pop-up killer. it would behoove you to use it =)
boi, I have no doubt that some sites code windows to pop up off-screen, however, this window in Mozilla shows up even when you first launch Mozilla and haven't even visited a website yet. This window, labeled "hidden" shows up regardless of the pop-up blocking setting.
Yeah, I'm thinking it has something to do with maybe the crash manager or something.

I chalk it up to poor programming, although the rest of the program really shines.
Same, this may be poor programming, but it has to do indeed with popups. This hidden window looks like a notoolbar template for a potential popup window.
A quick search on Mozilla for "hidden window" reveals a lot of hits:


Apparently, that window is used to send commands to do certain things in Mozilla, and is only present in Mozilla. Nothing to do with pop-up windows. There's one article that discusses the need to find another way around the messy hidden window method in order to get the browser to be viable for embedded uses.