Yes, I'm sure there's 99.5% chance that nothing will go wrong when applying/using the hack. Still, it's a hack meant to force the computer into operating in a fashion that it wasn't intended to operate in, so it's always a "do at your own risk" kind of thing. And yeah, resetting NVRAM (or PRAM?) should help, but if the hack somehow completely fries the video card, resetting NVRAM/PRAM ain't gonna help in that situation.
If I had a computer that benefitted from this hack (iMac, iBook, etc.), I'd probably use it -- but, I just gotta put up the standard disclaimer stating that it is a hack, it's unsupported, and in rare cases can cause your computer to spontaneously turn into a chunk of dark chocolate -- if you don't wanna risk these things happening, don't use it.