External HDD Mounting Issues



I've got 2 Lacie D2's hooked up to my G5, I was running them daisy-linked but switch to single firewire port for both of them...


Whenever I reboot or anything they aren't mounting anymore, this was fine up until monday when I had to transfer a bunch of files and my g5 started freezing up on me...

I'm running osx10.3.5

anyone know what I can do to curve this?

(p.s. I tried to update the firmware on my drives and it said I was current.)
Do they mount if you unplug the firewire cable (from the drives to the computer) and plug them back in (after power restarting the drives)?
Are they AC (powercord) powered drives or self powered? This might make a difference. If they are both powered by the firewire port, you may not have enough juice for both, perhaps?

Have you tried just using one at a time?
ac power.. i deleted the preference file for finder and they are showing up now... i dunno if it was that or not but it doesnt make sense if it was.