Extracting and combining downloaded binary files



After searching all over this site, I can't seem to find the info I need. Maybe no one's tried this before.

I am having trouble expanding and combining files that I have downloaded from a binary news group. I downloaded stuffit and MacPar. I opened the files with stuffit and the bin extension that the files had disappeared, but the files were not combined. Can someone enlighten me on what I am doing wrong and what I need to do. Is there other or better software that I should be using. Any and all help would be very much appreciated.

Oh. Wow. Long time since I last downloaded a splitted .bin file from a newsgroup. I _think_ I didn't know what to do back then and stitched it together myself in BBEdit before running it through StuffIt Expander... But I might be wrong, since it's really a long, long time since I've done it the last time...
If I'm not mistaken, the .bin files need to be left alone. StuffIt's pretty good at handling split files, and I believe you need to have them all in the same directory -- then, open the first file of the set with StuffIt and it should open like a regular compressed file. StuffIt will handle the multiple files just like one, big archive.