Fan on Processor went out


HELP!! I have a G4 733 mhz Quicksiler (Digital Audio) running Panther. I woke up Sunday morning and discovered that I had nothing on the screen. I shut it down, and tried to restart. The machine started up with the normal start up sound, and the "Apple Logo" stayed up for approx. 5 minutes, then the Apple Logo turned into a circle with a diagonal line through it (like what you see on a "NO SMOKING" sign. I shut down the computer, opened the case, and powered it back up. I noticed the fan on the processor went out. I changed the fan out, and powered it back up again, and I got the same thing.
I've been successful starting up on the Panther CD but cannot see any start up volumes
Please Help!!

Thanks in advance,

It sounds like your Panther install on the hard drive is corrupt or has some problem keeping it from booting up all the way. The "no smoking" symbol means that there's a valid OS X installation on the drive, but something (software/hardware error, etc.) is keeping it from booting all the way.

When you start from the Panther CD, open up "Disk Utility" from the menubar and run a repair on the boot drive. It may fix some or all of the problems keeping the computer from booting up.

Another possibility is that the processor overheated and could have damaged itself due to lack of air circulation, but let's hope not!
Thanks, I'll try it. I also have a 2nd hard drive with Jaguar and OS 9.2. When I startup on the CD and from the menu choose startup disk, neither drives show up.
Could it be my primary drive has failed?


It could be, but I doubt it. I think that your computer prematurely shut down -- the processor overheated, the internal mechanics of the Macintosh sensed this and immediate shut the computer down, bypassing any and all shutdown procedures that Mac OS X would have done by selecting the "Shut down" command and something got corrupted.

I don't see why the install CD's Startup Disk function wouldn't see the second drive, though. Have you tried rebooting and holding down the option key to select a boot disk?
Thank you soooo much ElDialbloConCaCa. You were right! I switched my slavedrive to the primary drive and vice versa for the "corrupt" drive (0,1 respectively), booted off of a 9.2 CD and was able to see a OS X mountable volume on that drive and it booted up fine.
Now I have another problem. I cannot get my other drive to mount. I am able to see it verify it, and repair it, but I cannot get it to mount. I've also tried Drive 10 to repair it. Do you or anyone know of any other disc utilities I can use to at least get my files off of it. And yes, you guessed it, I didn't have anything backed up.
Any advice?
When you repair it, does it report errors or were the errors fixed?

It sounds like there's still errors on the drive if it won't mount.
When I use the disc utility in OSX, it says that the volume was repaired. When I'm in OS 9.2, Disc First Aid wants me to initialize it.
What do you think of DiskWarrior? Do you think that would fix it?

OS 9 probably can't see the drive because, if you used the default format option when you installed 10.3, then the OS 9 drivers were not installed.

A lot of people on this forum SWEAR by DiskWarrior. I haven't tried it personally, but from what I hear, it can fix a lot of problems that other utilities can't. The Disk Utility with Panther fixes only basic problems -- sometimes it'll get a major problem fixed, but for the most part, 3rd party utilities like DiskWarrior do a more extensive check and repair procedure. If you've got DiskWarrior handy, give it a go!