faulty store?


Just my problem?

What do they mean with memory? On my HD are more than 3Gigs free and my working memory is about 256MB.


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Could be a server problem. If people were browsing the site at one time, it may have not been able to manage the load, especially with Windows users now in the mix. The Store was a little slow when it first launched. And you were just browsing, not signed into an account, which further leads me to think it was Apple's end, not your hard drive's.
Working memory? How much non-working memory do you have? :)
I was browsing through the iTMS on a PC last night with no problems (I am a little prejudiced, but the Windows vers seems to work great),
My PC has only 256 MB also, but I try to keep the startup cleaned up (msconfig is still a great tool for helping a system run along more smoothly.)
Perhaps you are getting a legit message, similar to "your system is low on resources" like Win98 would do. One of the software tools to optimize your system might be helpful, and memory is cheap, doubling the memory (most any PC should be able to go 512MB, some can go much more) for like $50-60 would be the most cost-effective upgrade you can do with WinXP.
What other programs do you have open at the same time? Does it still do this even after a fresh restart and iTunes being the only program running?
Yeah, I didn't ask that. When I installed iTunes on my PC, it forced a restart, so I was assuming a restart to complete the install.
Don't forget, this is windows. If there's unneeded services and apps running the the background, a restart may not help without trimming the startup with msconfig, or other means.
I also got a "The required file is missing" error until I upgraded from Win2k Service Pack 2 to Win2k Service Pack 4. I'm not the only one that had the problem, but the only one I know that has fixed it...