Favorite Freeware Apps

We had a thread like this before, tons of info there, but i'm sure we all have new additions.

MBeat - A older free version that i modified the skin to look like Synergy
Safari Menu - Crashes every so often, still useful
ByteController cool little app for controlling iTunes from the Menu Bar
MenuMeters (of course)
Sleepless absolutely indespensable for a laptop. allows you to close the lid without the computer going to sleep
Cat-In-The-Dock (from www.stimpsoft.com) an absolutely hilarious app. has helped me through the long nights many a time

there are probably others, these are the ones off of the top of my head. i'll have to give some of the previously posted apps a try sometime. peace.
Just found Tofu. Neat app, run as a service to display heavy-duty dense text into column views. Makes reading it much easier.
And iHate iChat - at least as a text messager. With the new broadband we got, we are using it for voice chat - very sweet, but only to other mac users.... :( need an easy solution to talk to a pc so my folks can use it.
chevy, will you please kindly point out where in the rules it specifically states that p2p apps may not even be mentioned by name? Thanks in advance.

my favorite freeware app incidentally is VLC
pds said:
And iHate iChat - at least as a text messager. With the new broadband we got, we are using it for voice chat - very sweet, but only to other mac users.... :( need an easy solution to talk to a pc so my folks can use it.

I chat with friends that have PCs via iChat and AIM (the latest version and PC user must have XP)... but works fine!