What games do you like to play?
I'm not really into games ... so if I play anything, it's mostly Deimos Rising. I like that type of games.. (here) .. the other few I play or have installed are XGates (like Xbill, those who use Linuxes might know .. you kill Bills that try to install Windows to Macs), pop-pop (arkanoid style, a bit childish) and Quake.
What about you?
I'm not really into games ... so if I play anything, it's mostly Deimos Rising. I like that type of games.. (here) .. the other few I play or have installed are XGates (like Xbill, those who use Linuxes might know .. you kill Bills that try to install Windows to Macs), pop-pop (arkanoid style, a bit childish) and Quake.
What about you?