Favourite FTP server?

I used to use NcFTPd for the longest time, on various flavors of UNIX. But I got frustrated, I think because either the lack of monitoring tools or that they didn't work right under OS X, and due to lack of usage on OS X, Mike Gleason seems to have no interest in fixing them. So after some research I went to PureFTPd. It's free and has awesome options for user management and server monitoring. I highly recommend it.
We're using ProFTPd for all of our production servers. Stable, safe, HIGHLY CONFIGURABLE, authenticates against anything (even MySQL) and it is fast.

Check out http://www.afp548.com/ for an article on how to set it up for OSXS.

Good luck.
Tried whatever is installed on Jaguar Server, then tried ProFTP w/MySQL and had user id problems. Now I'm just using CrushFTP on a crappy old iMac.
I went with Pure-FTPd and I'm very satisfied. I'll install ProFTPd on my dev server to try it out and compare. I hear great things about it also (includeing here).

another PureFTPD user here. Needed an FTPD w/ chroot working and got it up and running in 20 minutes.
Here's a question. Off hand, anyone know a good safe way around this? I have an incoming directory that anyone can upload to. Files are at a umask of 022 and owned by nobody:staff. As my own use, I have to first chown them to me as root in order to move them out. I want to be able to do that already. Any thoughts?