FedEx just dropped off my Mac mini

What are the specs on the power supply? Radio Shack has a nice adjustable power brick that goes up to 24 volts. I think the need is really there, I already use several adapters for my iBook,(one at school, one at home and one at an office that I use three times a week). It makes transportation that much easier.
Ripcord said:
Sadly, my 1.8ghz G5 iMac only scores 115 (on a good day). What's up with that?

X-Bench is not optimised for the 64-bit G5 processor, and as such has a reputation for giving lower scores for G5s than what it gives for high-end G4's. Apparently, the next version of X-Bench should resolve this.

Even so, I think the stats for the Mac mini are very impressive.
Ripcord said:
Sadly, my 1.8ghz G5 iMac only scores 115 (on a good day). What's up with that?

What do you have your Energy Settings set for the CPU? Set it to HIGH and let us know what results you get.

165 now =)

I presume that the notebook users are VERY familiar with this setting. I wonder, though, why such a huge (and reproducable) performance difference when I have it set to "Automatic"? It's not temperature-related - I can start out from an idle, cool-as-it-will-go disk and CPU, then start the benchmark... Does miserably. But "Maximum" always flies.

System definitely FEELS 40% faster now, this is awesome.

I presume the downside is power consumption and a higher likelihood of overheating if I start to really push it?

...And after this I swear - back to the Mac mini. Tell us, can you tell how to remove the casing? Still waiting for confirmation that the RAM is user-installable?
I had no idea about this until i saw some benchmarks (the iMac G5 setting). Now your getting your money's worth.

As for the Mac Mini, yes you can upgrade it yourself. Look fairly easy to take apart.
What do you want to do with the mini that requires more than 1 GB of RAM? I mean, sure, the more the better, but... If you're the power user the 2 GB wish makes me think you are, won't you be disappointed by the processor, the graphics card and the harddrive?