Finder GUI for Bluetooth File Transfers


Hi all,

Are there apps available that allow you to move/transfer files between the Mac and Bluetooth devices (i.e Palm handhelds/cell phones) using a GUI that's like the Finder? Sorry, but Bluetooth File Exchange is good but is lacking in functionality (i.e. the ability to transfer folders or multiple folders) and has quite a cumbersome user interface.

Any recommendations?
Well, I did the same thing five times over and, maybe I'm missing a keyword or something (just putting in Bluetooth is too vague), the results I came upo with just don't make the grade. Or maybe there are results I'm overlooking.

**By the way, how do I edit my signature, profile, whatever you call it, so I can show my info like you have in your footer/footnote?
As I'm still looking and without an app, please let me know if there is a GUI-based app that allows me to transfer files between my Mac and Palm via Bluetooth.