Finder Locking, i am BUGGERED!! :(

ARGH!!! ... i Just re-installed a Fresh Jaguar ... And installed Apps, But now, as soon as i boot, and Auto Login, my Finder Locks as soon as i Launch or open anything!!! ... What can i Do?!! << sob >>

... its Jus a waste of space @ the moment!! :(

plz Help!!

I had the problem of finder quiting on me quite frequently after installing Maya. When I would restart the computer you could see finder trying to start 5 or 6 times before it would finaly become stable. (this takes about 30 to 40 bounces)

After it was running it would quit quite frequently. I ended up creating another administrator for the computer, logging in as that user and deleted/re-added my user account. that seemed to fix my problem. You might want to try logging in as a different user.
But, it logs in Automatically.. and the finder appears to load ... but when i do something, it dies!! :( ... so! ... umm, any Clues?! .. thanks anyhow!

... this is REALLY P*ssed me off!

Create a new user and login as that user.

If the problem isn't there, then something is hosed in your main user directory.

If the problem persists… I dunno :confused:
Yea, i managed to make a new User ... but it still was Buggered! ... a little Different but buggered! ... if i can, i am JUST Gonna format... i've only put apps on, so its barely been Setup anyhow! ... hmm... i Jus Need to get it into RE-INSTALL mode! ... is it possbile to boot from the Jag CD, Prior 2 Loading X or something?!

F**king B***ard Thing! ... after about 30 restarts, the finder managed to open the Jaguar Finder Window, and allow me to begin the installer! ... Now Re-Installing :confused: i am P!ssed!!! :(

I see you've got 320MB of RAM in that iBook of yours. Try removing the extra 256MB chip that was added to the stock 128 and see if that helps -- if it does, well, you've got one possibly cause of your Finder woes (that pesky 256MB chip!)

I've seen OS X grow more and more picky about the kind and quality of RAM you throw at it with each upgrade. Hell, 10.0 wasn't picky at all... 10.1 I had to switch out a 256MB stick, didn't like it for some reason... 10.2.1 and all is well so far.