finder quits/dock


The finder quits when in I remove an item from the dock. it also quits when i put any item in the trash. Any suggestions to how to clear up this problem would be appreciated. I have run norton, disk utilities, disk warrior, repaired permissions, rebooted,zapped, and deleted the preferences. but the same thing occurs. when i remove an icon from the dock i get the poof but then the finder quits and relaunches and the icon returns. i can add icons fine but not remove. When i put an item in the trash the finder relaunches the item is in the trash but also restarts the finder when i empty it and it remains empty.
biege G3 400mhz/384 ram running Mac OS X 10.2.4
Delete the Dock preferences in your System folder. I'm running a Windows computer at school right now, but when I get home I'll look them up for you.
Create a new user, and Logout and back in as that new user. Check to see if problem still exists. If so, then likely a corrupt file in main Library Preferences or Caches
I tried deleting the finder preferences and the dock prferences but the problem still remains. i used a cache cleaner to clear all the caches but the problem still remains. I'll try logging in as a new user to see if that helps.
Well i did a clean install of 10.2 and everything was fine. but when i updated to 10.2.4 combo the problem returned. has anyone come across this problem with 10.2.4?