Firearms (split from Democratic Pres. Candidate Disc.)

Originally posted by habilis
I love guns. I lust after the Heckler & Koch G36 Compact like I lust after a G5 Pwerbook.


HK G36 Compact


HK A36 w/ Grenade Launcher


HK PSG .50 cal sniper rifle

Admit it, you feel the lust too.
I imagine you wouldn't be using those for hunting. ;)

Hunting animals, that is. :D
Yes, because everyone uses a subcompact automatic to riddle the animal with holes, or a grenade launcher to blow it up, or a sniper rifle so the animal won't even know you're there, despite the fact that you could never see it from any distance for all the trees.
Originally posted by arden
Yes, because everyone uses a subcompact automatic to riddle the animal with holes, or a grenade launcher to blow it up, or a sniper rifle so the animal won't even know you're there, despite the fact that you could never see it from any distance for all the trees.

subcompact automatic: illegal

grenade launcher: illegal

50 cal to take out the annoying CAR cutting in front of you: LEGAL.;)
As amazing as all the arguments for and against having guns are...the real problem is still not guns...its people...people kill...and until the time arrives when humanity as a whole learns that this is wrong the arguement is 2 cents...spend it how u like
I'm still of the opinion that firearms should have more control in the US but you have a point Crusty. Canada also has a fairly high level of gun ownership yet the Canadians don't shoot each other nearly as much as Americans do. I urge anyone who hasn't seen it to watch Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore makes some very good points. On the other hand, countries such as Britain, Germany, France etc also have very low levels of gun crime compared to the US and we have much much tighter gun control. Theres the argument that criminals will get guns regardless and that 'ordinary decent folk' should be able to buy guns to protect themselves. Well, I'm not saying that Britain doesn't have gun crime (London and Manchester especially) but we doe have strict gun control and there are proportionally MUCH fewer deaths than the US. I can wander about Glasgow and not have to be afraid of getting shot. I was in London recently (nowhere shady I admit) and felt the same. New York on the other hand did not give me the same feeling of ease, while I never felt completely unsafe, it is unsettling to see every police officer carry a gun.
I have to agree with Crusty.

Cars kill more people a year, Alcohol kills more, Tobacco kills more, etc.

The only way a gun can kill someone is if another person: 1.) Makes the choice to use it in such a manner, or 2.) Is reckless. The same goes for the other above-mentioned items.

Another point: Unreal Tournament is a game and has nothing to do with the issue that was originally being talked about. If you can't separate "the real" from “fantasy”, maybe you should reconsider posting on this topic. It’s not something that you should get a laugh from.

Also, I want to reiterate this: This thread was split from another because it veered way off the original topic. The first post in this thread by Arden is actually a reply to a generalization about CA being anti-2nd amendment, mainly referring to CCW and ownership issues. It was the best spot I could find to split the thread from. So don't blast Arden for "starting" this as a flame, he was merely replying.
Originally posted by mdnky

Cars kill more people a year, Alcohol kills more, Tobacco kills more, etc.

Yes but the US still has proportionally more gun releated deaths than any other country. Just because people die in car accidents too doesn't mean to say that it's okay for people to get shot, or run over for that matter.

America has to ask itself why so many more people die by shooting than any other nation.

The only way a gun can kill someone is if another person: 1.) Makes the choice to use it in such a manner, or 2.) Is reckless. The same goes for the other above-mentioned items.

Again, why does it happen so much? The US has to find out why. Something's killing your couuntrymen, fix it.

Another point: Unreal Tournament is a game and has nothing to do with the issue that was originally being talked about. If you can't separate "the real" from “fantasy”, maybe you should reconsider posting on this topic. It’s not something that you should get a laugh from.

I think toast (forgive me if I'm wrong dude) was being ironic and his comment referred to the ridiculous amount of firepower that can be legally bought in the US.
MD, that's exactly the point that Toast was trying to make. Unreal Tournament is a game, but it is a game that simulates (rather realistically, as well) the destruction of your fellow human being (well usually they're human) at every cost, and if you can't separate that fact from reality, then you shouldn't be allowed near firearms. This goes back to the whole "glorifying violence" argument.

I also think that guns are currently a lesser issue than others, and while tragic, deaths from gunshot wounds take a backseat, so to speak, to tobacco, alcohol and driving accidents (and the combination of the latter two).

So please, don't "blast" me. It's not exactly legal.