Watch your CSS, you're missing some ;'s that should be there on the end of each attribute. You also have no doctype specified for the HTML.
Styling forms is a debatable topic, as alot of accessibility issues arise from it. From what I can recall, the problem lies in the KHTML engine right now. Apple has wisely decided to make a product that works first, then worry about simple and insignificant minors like CSS styles on form elements.
The mozilla project needs to do alot of work too, especially in areas concerning EMs. We just had a major snafu with a list-based vertical nav bar that was collapsing bottom borders...cause by the lineheight being specified in EMs. Firebird and Mozilla totally screwed up the code, unless you specified it in pixels. Guess what got it right, regardless of how many time we resized/zoomed up or down?
If I had to pick, I would much rather have the layout/nav portions work correctly than silly form colors. Give em some time, they'll get it all up to spec...heck, we're on what release again?