Firefox Is It Stable, Safe?


Mac Convert for Life
Hi, all.

I keep getting those automated pop-ups when I launch Firefox (currently running version) that notifies me to download/install the new version ( I realize that often times new release updates have flaws, bugs, etc. I'm wondering if I should install it right away or if I should wait until the kinks are ironed out, as I've been hearing of frequent crashes, bugs, and so forth. I've also been hearing that was much more stable than this new release.

Your thoughts are very welcome. Please share. Thank you. :) is the latest official release, and as with most of Firefox's official releases, it seems pretty solid to me. Are you sure the problems you've heard about aren't actually about the 2.0 beta that's currently available? (Which, incidentally, seems pretty stable to me so far, but it a little but quirky UI-wise.)

Personally, I'd download it and use it. If you're worried it might suck, don't trash your current copy of Then you can go back anytime you want, no problem. I do this all the time.
I've updated to and have had no problems, but I also only use Firefox for two specific sites, so my experience probably doesn't count here. ;) ... Generally, I'd say a dotdotdot update is not about introducing new features (and bugs with them) but rather about _fixing_ bugs and closing security holes, so I'd recommend updating.
Ah. I don't click on links in posts that only consist of links. ;) ... Okay, then the "generally" gets more important in my previous post. :P
According to the link:

"Firefox has a bug that causes it to be unable to play some streaming media, including Windows Media and Real Media. The MozillaZine forums and Mozilla Bugzilla suggest that a release to fix the bug may be coming soon."

And since I don't use Windows Media Player or Real Media (I use QuickTime Player), then the update won't be a problem for me ... correct? Actually, I *do* have WMP, but I rarely use it; mostly just for listening to song samples on and stuff like that. I'm not a computer whiz, so I have no idea if this is even what the bug is referring to.

So: Should I update now or wait a little while?
Actually, I just read the link for the release. It seems to be the fastest, most stable, best release yet, from what Mozilla says about it. I guess time will only tell. Oh, and they fixed the Windows Media bug. :)
Geez, Will your world end if some little thing is wrong? Just try it.

I just did the update and it cured a little oddity on scrolling which introduced but other than that I had no serious problems with it.

If you want to be cautious create a Zipped archive of the existing Firefox before upgrading. Then you can always go back with little effort should you decide to.
I also don't get the real problem you're having Amie. Just go ahead and update already - and yes keep an old version around if something goes wrong. We can revive this thread when comes out with a question like "And now?! Am I safe to update? Or should I wait for some reports on the web?" - and we'll tell you to get the update and keep a copy of around, which until then will have worked just fine. :)
I also don't get the real problem you're having Amie.

You don't get it because there isn't one. As I've said all along, I'm NOT having a problem with the CURRENT version of Firefox that I have. Which is the sole reason I started this thread--because of all the bad rap with the new version, hence wondering if it's safe to update and worth the risk?

Just go ahead and update already - and yes keep an old version around if something goes wrong. We can revive this thread when comes out with a question like "And now?! Am I safe to update? Or should I wait for some reports on the web?" - and we'll tell you to get the update and keep a copy of around, which until then will have worked just fine. :)

No. Why? Because I've been using Firefox a long time, and this is the first time I've asked such a question about a new version. AGAIN, previous updates have not been a problem and have not posed any questionable doubts from me. Only this one.
Nothing is ever perfect, hence the release of newer versions which are always supposedly more stable....until something is actually found. :) I recommend updating mainly because of security patches that are included with the newer versions (along with all the other bug fixes that might be included). While Firefox is more secure than IE, it's not impervious to exploits.

Either way, it's always good to keep the previous version in case there's some major bug in the newer release that wasn't caught before it was put out.

That said, I haven't had the issues mentioned about the streaming video. But then again, I didn't use it that extensively before was released. :)

Hope this helps.
You could move the current Firefox app to your Desktop, along with the FireFox Folder here;

user/library/application support.

Use the Option key to move the support folder.

Then install the new version. If you have problems and want the older version back, trash the new Firefox app and it's support folder and put the old ones back.

I do this just incase a new version has problems.