Hi there.
Here's my not-so-merry holiday story...
Santa brought a G5 iMac.
I used Migration Assistant to transfer everything from old G4 eMac to new G5 iMac (iSight). Both computers are running Tiger. Migration Assistant worked...sort of. I got the applications moved but some prefs and files such as Library items (music, photos) and documents never transferred. Figured I'd drop the missing data onto the Lacie 160gb HD that has been connected to the eMac for two years (never had a problem with this drive). It's a backup drive, but, there are a few folders that only live there because they were too large for the eMac's 60gb drive...such as all my music, a few old work projects, archived email databases....none of it is mission-critical stuff, but, nonetheless it's data I don't want to lose.
Anyway...I eject the external drive, plug the firewire into the iMac and flip it on. Uh oh.
The iMac doesn't recognize disk, and instead offers the ominous 'initialize/ignore/eject' message.
A second error window on iMac said this: SYSTEM EXTENSION CANNOT BE USED. System "/System/Library/Extensions/IOStorageFamily.kext was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product's vendor for an update."
I eject, and upon plugging firewire back into eMac...same error.
Disk Utility sees the external disk icon and I can check info...but repair/verify boxes are greyed out. System Profiler doesn't list the external drive.
Lacie + Mac tech support each blamed the other product, and each suggested Diskwarrior. So I bought a copy (meter is now running...$80), installed, and Diskwarrior only recognizes the internal drive.
Further investigating into eMac's Disk Utility finds a giant list of permissions have been jacked up (I saved the list to a word doc and it was 55 pages long). I repair those permissions, but, system still doesn't recognize external drive.
Tried running Diskwarrior on both machines too.
I am waiting for the Data Rescure trial version link to arrive in inbox to download a test.
In the meantime...anybody have any suggestions (short of shelling out $275 an hour + $55 per DVD to the local data recovery specialist)?
Any suggestions appreciated.