Non mounting Firewire drives:
Go to the '/Applications/AppleScript/' folder and launch 'Script Editor'.
Copy the next lines of code and then paste them into 'Script Editor'.
set x to 0
if ((do shell script ("diskutil mountDisk /dev/disk" & (x as string))) is not equal to "") then exit repeat
set x to x + 1
end repeat
Click on the 'Run' button of 'Script Editor'.
Within 30 seconds any mountable device will be mounted.
Only one microprocessor recognized:
goffysk8er said:
and another thing is that the mac G4 doesnt reconize that i have 2 processors, I have no idea where to start when it come to that.
How about specific information as to how you determined that only one microprocess is actually working.
One quick way to determine if both processors are indeed ON, is to go to 'System Preferences' and click on 'Hardware'. The 'Dual CPU' radio button should be selected. If not, click on it, and quit 'System Preferences'.
Another way to verify that both processors are ON, is to download and install 'MenuMeters' [a 'System Preferences' Utility. Get it at '<>'].
Once installed, go to 'System Preferences' and click on 'MenuMeters'.
Click on the 'CPU' tab, click on the 'Display CPU Menu Meter' check box (to add a check mark), and then select 'Percentage' from the nearby popup menu. In the upper right portion of the menu bar will be two values (if both processors are indeed ON) ; otherwise, only one (confirming your statement, of only a single processor working).