First post with Safari on!

this is what I did. Because I have a ton of bookmarks, I decided to let IE import my bookmarks from Mozilla. Then I figured that safari would import from IE.

IE did it's job. But Safari didn't get a new copy. I guessed that it only does it during an install. So I reinstalled. Now it won't start at all. I get a crappy (apple style) error 1000.

I miss tabs & the "bottom bar" also....other than that its cool.
I dont see a big difference in speed between Chimera and Safari
I see the difference.

Bless those cocoa text boxes !
I need tabs, nice interface and bottom bar.
Originally posted by toast
Yeah, I miss the bottom bar too.

I actually like having no bottom bar -- feels cleaner and more efficient. They could do like OmniWeb (can you tell that was my previously-favorite web browser :D) and have the address bar display link locations when hovering. Works well in OmniWeb, I think. They already use it as a progress bar, why not add that too?
version 0.6.0.... like chimera.....
icon has a compass... like chimera
open-source... like chimera
beta... like chimera

conclusions can be drawn...

it still needs tabs, customizable toolbar
but it is faster side by side than chimera
Did a bunch of reinstalls and deleted my preferences. Now it opens but it didn't import my bookmarks from IE. :(
i have had problems with Safari with "New Posts" on other forums, didn't check this forum yet. But when I post a new message in a topic (not on this forum) The Topic turns into orange, what means it has a new posts that i didn't saw yet.

Not good.

For the rest: "I like it!!!!"
Safari with Milk 1.1 theme ... not fun I can't see much if anything pertaining to closing maximizing or shrinking because of the brushed metal. Everything is white!
Yes ! The bottom bar ! Thanx so much senne.
The source view sucks. Yet I know I shoudl be more indulgent with this first beta.

I'm using the Bug Report to ask for tabs.
Select Status Bar in the View menu.

Originally posted by jeb1138
There's no way to tell where a link goes until you click it... is there? That's kind of an essential feature in my book. It is still beta though, I suppose.
This browser (Safari) is great!

I'm happy to have a browser that actually works. IE on X was very buggy (at least for me). Of course I still have to use it for testing at work, but hey, I can add this to the top of my list!
Originally posted by senne
i have had problems with Safari with "New Posts" on other forums, didn't check this forum yet. But when I post a new message in a topic (not on this forum) The Topic turns into orange, what means it has a new posts that i didn't saw yet.

Not good.

For the rest: "I like it!!!!"

hmmm, for that problem, can it be that i just have to do something with my cookies-setting in safari? Put them: "Never", "Always" or "Only from sites where navigating"?
Does anyone know how or if you can set Auto Fill options in Safari? Shame if you can't, I use that feature a lot. IE still does it best IMHO.

So far, after only half an hour, I like Safari a lot, but frankly, dispite all the browser wars on these forums, for my use, they are all about the same.

I'll use Safari until I hit a page it can't render or until I can't stand entering info anymore into online order fields.

I'm a big fan of clean, uncluttered interfaces, and Safari (like Omniweb) does this well. The Tabs feature of other browsers never grew on me, so I don't miss it.