Fix Suitcase Fusion v.13.2.2


Monday, April 26, 2010
9:27 PM PDT (-7)

I run a MBP 3.06 MHz dual core 8GB RAM, 500GB HD. I have both Font Doctor and Extensis Suitcase Fusion 2 (v13.2.2) installed and am running OS 10.6.3.

Reminds me of "The Empire Strikes Back" when a youthful Harrison Ford firewalled the Millennium Faclon, and nothing happened.

When I try to boot Fusion, I am told to go to the Macintosh System folder and tickle a preference pane therein. Fusion made more steps toward booting. I chose a font folder for it to use. Then it quit again, asking me to, once again, tickle the prefpane.

Extensis tells me to come to this forum for support and questions.

Thanks in advance

-Dr. John