Flash Drive Os X (tiger)


When I put an AppleWorks file on my flash drive and seek to open it on my old iBook running 9.2.2 the file appears as a generic PC file; it can be opened with MacLink but loses all formatting. Any suggestions?

Second, there are a variety of files on the flash drive in OS X; I think they are supposed to be hidden. Anything I can do about that?
Try reformatting the flash drive as "Mac OS Extended" of "HFS+" instead of FAT16 or FAT32 if you don't need cross-platform (Mac <-> PC) compatbility with it.

Most likely the "PC" format of the drive is causing the resource forks of the Macintosh files to be garbled or lost.

You can also try compressing the files into a ZIP or SIT archive before copying them to the flash drive, then copying the archive off of the flash drive and expanding.