Forgot to disable journaling before defrag. Oops.


Do not read this sign.
Yes, you can call me names. I forgot to disable journaling before I ran Drive 10 (1.1.2 which doesn't turn off journaling for you), and now I cannot mount my FireWire drive. /var/log/system.log says the journal file is the wrong size or something (not a multiple of 0x200).

Turn off journaling before y'all defrag.

I haven't found a solution yet. Later I'm going to try rebooting with an old OS X 10.1 cd to see if that removes the journal file altogether as some articles have suggested (though in this case it's what I'm trying to do, not an unintended consequence).

If anyone else has any bright ideas, lemme know. If--I mean when--I get this fixed, I'll post what I did.

How about ? Does Disk Utility Info for that disk show that Journalling is still enabled? try to turn off journalling now on that volume, then try Drive 10 on that volume, If no problems, you should be able to re-enable journalling
No luck there. "diskutil enable/disableJournal" works on mounted volumes--direct quote from command line. Rats.

But, I rebooted into OS 9, and that cleared everything up. Essentially, OS 9 just deleted the Journal file (it's only meaningful for seconds or minutes at a time anyway), so the next time the computer mounted the drive, it created a new journal file.


To make defragmenting safer you should create an AppleScript that does something like this:
do shell script 'sudo /usr/sbin/diskutil disableJournal /' with administrator privileges
launch application "Drive 10"

Save it as a compiled script named LaunchDrive10, copy & paste Drive 10's icon to it for good measure, and put it in your Dock, applications folder with the Drive 10 application, or wherever you would normally access Drive 10.

Safety first!