can someone reccomend the best example of a free linux i can run on my mac? i'm curious and i want to run it. which are the best ones to go for/the most mature, grown up versions?
Both of these are have a Debian foundation, similar to Libranet and Xandros which are supposed to be geared towards end users.
Yellow Dog, Mandriva, Fedora Core 4 (coming soon, but available in testing mode with PPC support), SuSE, and some others havea Red Hat foundation in that they use RPMs for package management.
it's really complex. do i download the 4 ISO's from the ftp site (i've gone for 4.0.1) and burn each one to cd? then do i boot up with the first one? (holding down c?)
Redhat 9 was nice, so I'd probably go with Fedora now. If your interested I still have my Redhat 9 install disks around (proper ones not just burnt by myself). I won't be using them again now so, if you want them just post me a stamped, addressed envelope. I'm just outside Liverpool message me if your interested.