Frequent Crashes


Hello all,

I have a PB Wallstreet upgraded to 466/1MB backside cache/20 GB hard drive. I'm running OS X.1.1. I'm running the beta-version of the Wireless driver for my Wavelan Wi-Fi PCMCIA card.

I'm having VERY frequent crashes into the debugger. Is this a "kernal panic"? It can happen at anytime but most reliably when I'm using IE and doing a lot of mouse clicking (especially when I hold the mouse button down on the window slider for a while).

I've reinstalled OS X many times (I have a 10.1 install CD, not 10.0 to 10.1).

Needless to say this is VERY frustrating. Any suggestions?

P.S. I ran fsck in single user mode. On my latest install I hvae 4 files which fsck cannot seem to fix. There is a 4 digit file number (in the 4xxx range) followed by the comment "overlapping extents"

How can I find these files and fix/delete them?

Overlapping Extents doesn't sound good. If you can discover a name(s) for those four files, you may be able to delete them, perhaps they're not too important. Starting with a good drive repair utility CD may be the best choice here. What's Debuggger? This doesn't work with OSX, does it? If you get a text screen with text at the top that says Kernel Panic somewhere, then it's a Kernel Panic.