fresh SL couldn't connect to Internet


Hi everyone.

Just got my copy of SL 10.6 and I could not connect to Internet through my wireless network. I tried to connect to my router with via Ethernet, but it doesn't work either.

Booted from OS X Tiger, it works perfect, otherwise I couldn't post this message.

I reinstalled SL 10.6, but there's the same problem... it connects to the router, gets an address via DHCP, but that's all it does. When I try to load a webpage, it says "Connecting to ....

Because of this I couldn't update 10.6 to a newer version. Software update tells me to check my connection.

Any idea why the Internet is not working with 10.6? I tried to delete the airport pref from /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration, but it didn't work after that.

Are the update packages ready to download and install from somewhere on the Internet?

Station: MBP 2.2 Core2Duo

Thank you.

Did you update the 10.6? The first version 10.6.0 had a DNS issue. So open System Preferences->Network pane and click on the 'Advanced' button. In there select the DNS tab and see if it has any DNs entries. If it doesn't click on the - button and it will add the DHCP DND addresses. I know this seems weird but it really does work.
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Problem solved. I am not very sure what exactly did the right thing, but now my connection works.


• reinstalling 10.6 <b>didn't</b> work
• installing the update 10.6.5 directly from 10.6 <b>didn't</b> work.
• removing all files from /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration <b>didn't</b> work
• creating a new location for my network configuration <b>didn't</b> work
• removing the DNS from the wireless connection settings <b>didn't</b> work
• any combination of these <b>didn't</b> work

<i>What I have done:</i>

• fresh install 10.6
• connected to Apple's website with a computer with an operating system which allowed users to connect to Internet via a wireless connection (that is Tiger, what did you think? :) and downloaded the following updates :

– MacOSXUpd10.6.1
– PerformanceUpdateSL
– MacOSXUpd10.6.2
– SecUpd2010-001Snow
– MacOSXUpd10.6.3
– SecUpd2010-003Snow
– MacOSXUpd10.6.4
– SnowLeopardGraphicsUpdate1.0
– SecUpd2010-005Snow
– SecUpd2010-006Snow
– MacOSXUpd10.6.5

That is about 2.82 GB of updates, that's amazing for a system which is seen by many as an update to Leopard.

Be careful! Updating to 10.6.5 directly from 10.6 is possible, there's an image which can be downloaded and installed, but the connection problem remained! Only downloading every single update and installing the packaged in the specific order of their release from Apple made things work <i>for me.</i>

Until all these updates were installed, I didn't touch Network preferences or any other network setting.

Then I:

• checked and repaired permission with DiskUtility
• went to the router and updated the firmware (which, by the way, worked perfect with Tiger and some Windows stations, so I wouldn't personally blame the poor machine)
• went to /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration and deleted everything.
• deleted all keychains related to networking / browsing with the Keychain application, if any
• went to System Preferences/Network and created a new location
• switched to the new location and deactivated ethernet, firewire, then made airport active
• went to Advanced and added (+) a new wireless connection,

Restarted the computer and it worked.

• I immediately made a backup with CCC on an external HDD.

Please note that after everything was fine I started FileVault and the connection <b>stopped working</> again. Switched FileVault off, my connection was back. So, in 10.6.5, my wireless connection doesn't work when FileVault is on. I didn't try any Ethernet connection which FileVault on because I don't have enough energy after all this, maybe some day I will test this.

Every <i>other</i> optimization I made until now, excepting FileVault, didn't affect the working connection (that is: any other change to System Preferences using GUI or Terminal commands, completely removing Bluetooth or Infrared, starting Firewall, blocking all incoming connections, going stealth, creating users, adding keychains etc.)

Well, that's it. That's how it worked for me and hopefully it will work for others, but don't blame me if it doesn't.

