Full Screen CoverFlow in Finder?


Is there a way of using Cover Flow in full-screen with Finder? It would be kind of nice to use it to browser through pictures. And it also is the only situation when I actually think cover flow could be useful.

Thank you.
It's available in front-row (even for the none IR-remote machines under Leopard).

But somehow I don't think this is what you are looking for...
you can quicklook a bunch of images in full screen, but this doesn't do the coverflow thing... still presents images quite nicely though
i dont understand... once the technology is there, why is it such a problem make it available in full screen as well... i'm never going to use this eye candy myself when browsing through pictures, i just dont think it's very useful. but it would be nice to use to it when showing your vacation pictures to someone else. especially when you have your laptop hooked up to a 42" LCD or a projector screen. but of course you're not gonna show your pictures in finder environment... oh apple....
Why wouldn't you show pictures directly from the Finder?
Seems like you haven't discovered Quick Look - it's great for images!
Quick Look (tap your space bar) with a single file, or select multiple images (or whatever), and QuickLook instantly to a slide show. Click the full screen icon if you like. Let the slide show run automatically, or click the pause button to go from image to image manually.
And - it all works directly from the Finder, as you were asking...!
DeltaMac: you are right. I know about quicklook and use it to browse images in slideshows. I just wish you had the option to use Coverflow in such full screen slideshow. it would look a lot cooler that way :)