G4 10.2.3 fails to reboot with circle and a bar through it--whats does this mean?


I have a G4 AGP with sonnetech 1 gig upgrade. I am running 9.2.2 and have installed 10.2.3 numerous times all the with same result.
1. during the install process I must wait 10 or 15 minutes to allow my cd drive to cool down before it will recognize DISC 2!
2. It the installs 10.2 and I then apply the combon upgrade to 10.2.3.
3. IT functions- I can start up classic and use applications and then I switch back to 9.2.2.
4. subsequent attempts to switch startup disk back to the (separate firewire) drive with 10.2.3 always results is a bluegrey sceen with a large circle with a bar drawn through the diameter!

Question: Does anyone know what the ICON means?
Has anyone else experienced this?
CD Getting too hot?

Check for firmware upgrades for your hardware! That may even fix your other problems.

Thanks for the replys.

Friday night I went to the local Apple store in SOHO (giving them a plug) and one of the people there was familar with the problem.
They refer to the icon as the ghostbusters sign.

The technician suggested that it means that some files were not properly installed. He suggested I do and 'Archive install' saving the settings and reinstalling.

I did the archive install of 10.2.2 which of course balked since I had also previously installed 10.2.3. I continued with the 10.2.2 install and everything was fine.

There was a warning that Classic was now unsupported in my current configuration (10.2.2. reinstalled over 10.2.3) but despite that everything seems to now be working.

So, I strongly suspect that the culprit may have been 10.2.3. At this point I think I will let things stay as they are for a while before installing any more apple releases.

Once again,
