Perhaps someone can help with an installation problem. I've searched these forums and haven't found anything similar to what I'm experiencing.
I have a G4 450MHz Blue and White. 384 MB of RAM. I have two internal drives: the original 6 GB and a Maxtor 120 GB.
Mac OS 9.2.2 is installed on the 6 GB drive, and I'm attempting to install Tiger on a 20-GB partition on the Maxtor drive.
I have no trouble booting from the DVD. It goes through the installation procedure just fine, but when it reboots, I get the gray screen with the apple and a spinning graphic at the bottom. After a minute or so I get the "prohibited icon."
I've zapped the PRAM.
I've upgraded my firmware.
I've run the repair permissions utility from the DVD, and the repair disk utility.
I don't have anything plugged in but the original keyboard and mouse (and a microphone and speakers and phone line)--all other USB and FireWire peripherals, as well as my track ball, are disconnected.
I've tried reinstalling.
The disk checks out good; the Mac seems to know it's there and has OSX installed on it. The fact that OSX boots from the DVD leads me to believe it can't be a hardware issue. I have no problems booting from the OS 9.2.2 drive or the DVD--it's just that I'm getting these kernel panics when I try to boot from OSX.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I've never had this sort of trouble with a Mac before, and it's starting to confirm my initial prejudice against Mac moving toward a more UNIX-ey OS.
Thanks in advance,
I have a G4 450MHz Blue and White. 384 MB of RAM. I have two internal drives: the original 6 GB and a Maxtor 120 GB.
Mac OS 9.2.2 is installed on the 6 GB drive, and I'm attempting to install Tiger on a 20-GB partition on the Maxtor drive.
I have no trouble booting from the DVD. It goes through the installation procedure just fine, but when it reboots, I get the gray screen with the apple and a spinning graphic at the bottom. After a minute or so I get the "prohibited icon."
I've zapped the PRAM.
I've upgraded my firmware.
I've run the repair permissions utility from the DVD, and the repair disk utility.
I don't have anything plugged in but the original keyboard and mouse (and a microphone and speakers and phone line)--all other USB and FireWire peripherals, as well as my track ball, are disconnected.
I've tried reinstalling.
The disk checks out good; the Mac seems to know it's there and has OSX installed on it. The fact that OSX boots from the DVD leads me to believe it can't be a hardware issue. I have no problems booting from the OS 9.2.2 drive or the DVD--it's just that I'm getting these kernel panics when I try to boot from OSX.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I've never had this sort of trouble with a Mac before, and it's starting to confirm my initial prejudice against Mac moving toward a more UNIX-ey OS.
Thanks in advance,