G4 QuickSilver, Dead Radeon!!


Recently we had some very very odd power problems which caused my mac to reset its self 4 or 5 times very quickly - since then the machine freezes when trying to load the radeon drivers for the radeon 7500 that came with the machine. If the card is removed then the machine boots up fine, if the drivers are removed and the card left in, again the machine boots up fine (seeing as it runs and the cut down apple drivers). Now before any one says, its not the drivers - i have tried various boot CDs and a system on a different partition and they all act the same. I can only assume that its either the card or the motherboard - the apple hardware test CD said no hardware problems are found though - so I must assume its the card (something like the complex instruction chip is fried or something - cant deal with anything OpenGL).

To the questions! Has any one had this kind of problem before? Is there a better way to find out if there is a problem with the card (I have no access to any other macs with AGP slots)? Does any one have an old AGP card that supports OpenGL they would sell/give away? And why oh why did this have to happen to me 3 weeks before I start work as a WebMaster!

Thanks in advance for help ^_^
What OS are you running? Did you get Apple Care with the machine? What monitor are you using?

It could be damage from your power problems. Do you have it connected to a good surger? If so, then you can put in a claim for any repairs that need to be done.

Did you run Disk Utility? Did you try doing a clean install of the OS? You may need to run the Hardware CD a couple of times for it to 'see' the problem.
OSX 10.2.6 and 9.2, no apple care, Formac Pro Nitron 19/380.

I do have a very basic surge protector (fuse wire based) but it did not trip.

All repair programs I can think of have been run. No software problems. I did not clean install, but I have tried 4 different OSs (2 were on bootcds and always worked before).

I will run the Apple Hardware tests a couple more times too just in case. Thanks :)
Well, I did say that the card is a Radeon 7500 so nothing new, I also said that I am using 10.2.6 which pretty much has the latest drivers and I said that it has the same result in any OS i have tried with it. Newer drivers will (i would expect) have the same result... but to avoid looking like a total idiot (rather than a partial idiot) I will give new drivers a quick spin, but considereing whats happend so far I don't expect much difference.
Because the drivers I have been using have worked for ages and the drivers on the bootcds are quite old - OSX and OS9.
If the card came WITH the Macintosh, you shouldn't have to load ANY drivers at all -- OS X has built-in support for the cards that ship with the systems, and any updated drivers for those cards should come directly from Apple.

You CAN load 3rd party drivers, but with unexpected results.