"Could you please tell us which pin is the nc (no connect) '... of the short Primary (?) IDE cable ...' of your '... G4 tower'? Note: the red lead is pin 1."
Since I have to shut the machine down to answer that question, please see if everything else seems ok below.
"Can you explain what you mean by 'Primary Slave drive'?"
I have a second hard drive connected as a Slave on the same cable as the Primary Master (where the OS is).
"Why was the Apple provided cable removed?"
I'm still using it - but its really short (only about 6") and totally useless when I want to add a second hard drive (unless I want to cook the bottom hard drive and stack them - rather stupid.) But if I had a normal IDE cable (the local Mac shop wants $25 for this infernal cable with a notch) I could just put each drive on the bottom of the G4 tower (side by side) and they would stay cool.
Right now I have them both on their side - with the short cable split about 10 times with a razor so I can twist the cable. They run cool now. But they are just standing vertical with no means of support. I'd like to get them screwed down, you know? And screwing them down on to the coolest part of the case (the bottom) sounds good.
"Did you actually set the (slave, second) hard disk drive as a 'slave' and not attempt to rely on 'cable select'?"
Ah...I've been through this about 20 times. I'm rather persistant and thorough. I've tried different jumper settings, about 5 different hard drives and 4 different IDE cables. Believe me....I think that the Primary IDE cable just has to have some sort of notch taken out of it for the slave drive on the Primary channel to be recognized.