G5 Blues, ;[


It's been about 10 days since I ordered my G5 (CTO) and it still has not shipped or even began processing at apple. :(

WTF! :( :( :( :(

they said it only takes 2 extra days for CTO's, so why have i waited an extra 5.
I was one of the first 60 orders placed for a dual G5. I was pretty happy until I heard that it was going to be two months delayed! But still I feel your pain, waiting for the arrival of a new mac is never an easy time.
whatevers,, I canceled my ordered, they moved the date another week.

I'm just going to order a new sony rz, because unlike apple they can ship it in a timely fashion.
Hmmm... Seems pretty drastic going with Windows... Obviously there wasn't much reason to get the Mac in the first place? Or this just pushed you over the edge?
baskew, does seem a bit drastic... But hey, if you want to have a computer now... go with the PC then. ;) I personally think Macs are worth waiting for.
Of course, what nobody's said yet (except the original poster) is that it's ridiculous that he'd have to wait (at least) 3 weeks for his order to be shipped. That's just bad CS. This seems to be a trend with Apple, how do they get away with it? How is that a competitive advantage against other computer vendors?
I don't know if I'd call it a trend with Apple. But it has happened before. And waiting three weeks for an order to be shipped is marginally upsetting. But certainly not worth canceling the order.

What seems more upsetting to me would be that Apple hasn't even processed his order yet. That seems a bit ridiculous to me.
It _also_ sounds as if we've found another Apple basher on or forums... He comes, orders a Mac, says it's a bad experience and then orders a PC instead. Hm...

Why didn't you cancel your order and grab a Mac from a local reseller? Can't have been desperate to get a Mac, then...
nah, im not a basher,

i've got a pb1ghz + a g4,

but... i was mainly getting it for work, and i dont like using my pb for work, i do alot of print work..

anyways, I finally got my g5, i had to go to north carolina to buy it from a apple store tho. ;d
p.s. the last time i checked before i canceled they had moved the ship date on my g5 to january something. it was just down right guff.
The delay may be due to the ramping up of a speed bumped G5. They are due to be announced any day now, and it's not uncommon for Apple to delay some orders that come in right before the new machines come out and bump you up at no charge.

Be patient. You may be rewarded for it...
I had Apple push back a CRT iMac order back in the day. It was for a Graphite with 13GB drive (I think), DVD player, and 128MB of RAM. I'm thinking it was 500MHz G3.

I was pretty happy when my 600MHz G3, 40GB, CDRW, 256MB Graphite iMac showed up. :)
I'm wondering if there is a supply issue with the processors...or maybe one of the components you added?
I was an early order as well, took 10 full weeks to get mine...but so worth the wait. when it finally arrived I was blown away.
baskew said:
whatevers,, I canceled my ordered, they moved the date another week.

I'm just going to order a new sony rz, because unlike apple they can ship it in a timely fashion.

It's easier to take a big fat crap than paint a masterpiece. Enjoy your piece of crap. ::ha:: ::ha:: ::ha::