G5 fan noise

Chris Belwinds

My new G5 1.6 Ghz (Combo) is way too loud as far as I am concerned. Even my wife's standard PC is quieter.

Have any of you had similar experiences? What can I do to locate the noise and to solve the problem?
As I understand it, one of the first things to check is, make sure the plastic panel inside is seated properly. That is, the plastic "door" that is just inside when you open it up. Without the door in place, the fans all speed up.

Of course, I don't have a G5. That's just what I've read.

Good luck.

I have heard that the G5's are insanely quiet; this is just speculation but I would speculate that something's wrong if you're getting a lot of noise.
i've got a dual g5 and i have no noise problems what-so-ever. its much quiter than my old g3 imac was.
Well if your room get hot then the G5 basicly takes off (:P jk...)
there was a story on the net somewhere... some chick had an AC on all the time and it broke down. the fans in her G5 kicked in.
And 9 fans should sound loud :P
Somewhere in the System prefrences is a CPU panel, make sure your G5 is set to throttle the CPU's according to how hard your using them, if they are always on 100% the fan's will have to work a lot harder then if they are throttling.
I went to a local CompUSA last week and messed with a dual G5. The thing I was most suprised about was the noise...THERE WAS NONE! It was quieter than my G3 iBook! The G5 is perfect for a home office in my opinion! I don't know why anybody would be complaining about the noise (that doesn't exist).

Whatever. :)
And hopefully you aren't using your G5 in Target Mode (aka FireWire Mode) :p

Keep in mind to use and download always the latest OS X updates as well as any future Firmware releases...

And I hope that you followed dktrickey's excellent advice and of course what others already posted here! ;)
Maybe you got a snake in there? :D :p ;)

Sorry for this. Maybe there is really something stucked in one of those 9 (was it 9?) fans. I would visit the next apple-store and ask...
Oops! Just realized you are from germany too. Well, visiting the next apple store might be a lil prob... Where did you buy it?
Sam, is that computer upside-down??

Chris, the plastic panel that you will find just behind the aluminum panel redirects air flow to keep the minimum amount of flow the fans provide moving in an efficient manner. It is imperative that you have this panel installed, or your computer will sound louder than a PC installing Windows XP while simultaneously processing a Gaussian Blur filter on a 500 MB file in Photoshop.
Well, I have bought it from Cancom Germany, if that means anything to some of you. The Cancom mechanic has already been here and said that this noise was average. At least I don't think it is. I guess I will have to compare it to other people's G5 (if I find some) or visit another Mac retailer soon.
Hulk posted a review of the dual 2 Ghz G5 that, among other things, talked about the fan noise in normal operational mode and "vacuum mode." When you boot into single user mode, for example, or something else that doesn't load the power control system, the system automatically reverts to its safe mode, which is to run all 8 or 9 fans at full blast. Put a piece of paper flat against the front of the machine and see if it sticks, even if for just a moment. If it does, and you're booted into OS X like normal, then there's a miscommunication in your power management system. Call or email Apple about it.
I saw a G5 1.6 in Cairo yesterday. I thought of your post so I asked the dealer about it. The thing was running whisper quiet, I mean you had to put your ear to the case to hear it (even though we could see the fans running).

We took out the plastic baffle and all the fans took off full bore, like it wanted to fly. It was loud. We put back the side panel without the the baffle, too loud, but with the baffle back in place it went back to whisper quiet.

I would say that if you have noise issues that you should ignore the technician and go straight to Apple.
I received my Dual G5/2GHz and is one of the most silent computers I've ever used... ESPECIALLY with Dual CPUs :D

Currently I'm testing it BIG time and I will soon post a review somewhere... For now, let me just say this:
I can hear the hard disk now and then but NOT the fans NO MATTER WHAT other than a few seconds now and then even when pressing the Power button!!! :)

Review will come, soon... ;)