Short Version:
When do you think the first G5 laptop will come out and why?
Long Version:
I am equipped with only an antiquated blueberry colored macintosh IBOOK that attains the genes of a toilet seat. That's right, the IBOOK that came out before the old IBOOK. "How did you get yourself into this predicament," you're probably chuckling. I intoxicated my newer G3 laptop (which had G4-like strength, stamina, sturdyness and experience with humans, especially the female genetalia.. boy, that comp had some serious overdrive; no wonder it was making such strange noises in the night) by pourring water on that baby after the ink from a pen I was holding splatterd on the space bar. The water killed my computer like the wicked witch of the west, and I tortured it, unintentionally, by repeatedly trying to restart the computer. The computer could not be fixed, I was informed, unless over $700 was paid to the gangsters of a magical place called Apple Land. Now, on my old computer, half of the keys are missing, the plastic pieces under them were ripped apart by my ravage beast of a friend, and the toilet seat is as dirty as your mom after eating and slamming a chicken pot pie (with extra shitakke mushrooms) down her chute. My point is that I need a new computer, but I'm greedy, so I want a G5 laptop as soon as it comes out. The rumor sites that divulged as much information as they could were contradictory. When do you geek freaks think the first G5 laptop will come out and why?
When do you think the first G5 laptop will come out and why?
Long Version:
I am equipped with only an antiquated blueberry colored macintosh IBOOK that attains the genes of a toilet seat. That's right, the IBOOK that came out before the old IBOOK. "How did you get yourself into this predicament," you're probably chuckling. I intoxicated my newer G3 laptop (which had G4-like strength, stamina, sturdyness and experience with humans, especially the female genetalia.. boy, that comp had some serious overdrive; no wonder it was making such strange noises in the night) by pourring water on that baby after the ink from a pen I was holding splatterd on the space bar. The water killed my computer like the wicked witch of the west, and I tortured it, unintentionally, by repeatedly trying to restart the computer. The computer could not be fixed, I was informed, unless over $700 was paid to the gangsters of a magical place called Apple Land. Now, on my old computer, half of the keys are missing, the plastic pieces under them were ripped apart by my ravage beast of a friend, and the toilet seat is as dirty as your mom after eating and slamming a chicken pot pie (with extra shitakke mushrooms) down her chute. My point is that I need a new computer, but I'm greedy, so I want a G5 laptop as soon as it comes out. The rumor sites that divulged as much information as they could were contradictory. When do you geek freaks think the first G5 laptop will come out and why?