G5 PCI Bridge - What is it? What does it do?


Hi all -
I am trying to detect some vibration and excessive noise coming from the back half of my Power Mac G5 Quad. Tech support at PowerMax suggested I check the mini fans on the cards in the expansion slots. In the #1 slot is the GeForce 6600. There is no fan on it. In slot #3 is the PCI Bridge. I pulled that card and the fan was filthy. Blew some air through the fan and it is now clean. But I still have annoying vibration and hum. I also understand that the G5 towers can be noisier than some.

What exactly is the PCI Bridge? Do I need this in my machine?

Thanks for any input.
PCI Bridge usually refers to an integrated circuit on the motherboard that controls all the PCI slots and maybe USB, or maybe video card slot.

I wonder if what you're seeing is a special plug-in fan for the PowerMax? (I've never had a powerMax, so I am just asking).
Try leaving that bridge card out, just to test that the noise is produced by that fan.
You have 9 other fans inside your PowerMac G5.