G5 Superdrive Won't Mount DVD


This is somewhat of a perplexing issue. I try to mount a DVD burned from another G5, and my machine spits it out. The stranger thing is that the disc mount just fine on my G4 Powerbook.

Both machines are running OS.X.4.6, both have more than enough ram and drive space available. As far as I know, the system prefs don't show anything unusual.

Any thoughts?

As always, thanks in advance.

Have you made sure that the the disk drive is clean from dust? I have seen many of mounting problems due to dirt in the CD/DVD drive.
Everything is clean (including the disc). The drive burns CDs and DVDs just fine. I have it set to do a DVD back-up through Retrospect every night. Hasn't failed yet.

But I've ordered a new SuperDrive from ClubMac. Can't afford not to have it working.

Thanks for the reply.

I talked to Apple directly, because I was having the same issue. Apparently dual burners (i.e. CD/DVD) on the G5 have this problem. I, though, noticed that my problem did not occur until I updated to 10.4.4. Apple gave me no assurrance of fixing the problem.
I ended up getting a new drive. Relatively cheap- Pioner DVR-111D.Definitely a lot faster. One issue I have is that it's a little finiky with DVDs burned in Retrospect. If you load one in without Retrospect running, the discs spin out of control and I have to restart to get the tray to open.

The work around is to eject the disc through Retrospect.

And yes, all the drivers (Retrospect included) are up to date.

Hope this helps.

