Gain acces to a Wireless network



I am trying to gain access (transfer files) to another computer. I am on a wireless network and the other computer is located about 400 km from me (so it's not connected to the same Local area network) and it is also connected to the internet through a wireless connection. Both computers are running Mac OS X 10.3 and are connected through an airport. I would like to gain acces to the other computer with ssh or remote desktop, but what is the command line? I simply do not know how the adress should look like, normally it's like, but with a wireless network i have no idea. So basicly I want to know what to write here: username@??????
The easy way is to upload your files to your website (if you have one) and then download those to the computer you want to use at that remote location.

I think you need special software in order to actually "reach" your computer from one network to another. Kind of like PC Anywhere for the PC:
Thanks, but that's just not an option, I want to transfer files directly. I don't want to upload the files and then download them, cause the files will probably be like 50-100 mb. And I don't have any space on a server anyway, for uploading.
If anybody knows how to acces a wireless network with ssh through a wired network, that would be very helpfull. And both computeres are again not on the same network. Again what i really need is to know is how the ssh syntax of the commandline should be .
When you say that the two computers are on different networks you're saying that each connects to a different wireless router?

If so then you'll have to make certain that the router of the machine you are trying to connect TO has IP forwarding enabled and set so that port 22 on the router points to port 22 of the machine.

If IPforwarding is disabled, or if port 22 is directed to a different machine on the network, then it wouldn't work without some modification.
spb that's precisely what he's saying.

salbeik you'll need both the NAT forwarding on on your other router AND either the IP address of your remote host or the hostname.

I know, that's what you asked us to tell you, but there's no way for us to know that information. Look at for a dynamic-ip host name solution if it'll help (and I think it might).

Otherwise, call someone at the remote station, 400km away, and ask what their IP address is.