Giaguara said:
hulkaros, I find it very interesting you are greek. The history of Greece, lets say 2000 years ago .. well, was famous for a lot of things. Women were not allowed to go to the theaters etc, sexual relationships between men were considered normal, and of women who knows - maybe Sapphos gives some hints in the poems (if they are interpreted right).
I think that there is no secret in this: Modern greek people are nothing like their ancient counterparts especially on this matter... Thank God!

Then again I wasn't there at that age and time and I think no one was there too! And seeing how easily the media can twist ANYTHING in this age and time one can only wonder how badly history is twisted through thousands of years especially for nations that wiped over and over again by other nations
Giaguara said:
Well. Gays raising kids ...
When I was a kid, I was raised by my parents (a mum and a dad) who were always fighting. The common opinion on htat time was that the kids of the separated parents had problems, but many of my friends had only one parent. And I was envying their peace at home. They could bring friends home too, without having to fear their parents behaviour. Well - untill today, I have never brang friends home (except once when I was small) and can't rally consider being a bf there, not even if I was married to him.
So my point comes to the conclusion no matter what sex the parents are or how many are they, if they love each other and their children, it works. If I had a choise between lets say two dads and the parents I had, I could have chosen the two dads option if it was more peaceful (but not two mums, no I can't imagine it working for me).
At least men tend to understand better how men think, and women supposedly understand how women think. Hm.
Do we have anyone here who would have had two mums or two dads raising him/her? Maybe it's also no different from divorcing and having then a stepdad or stepmom.
What are you trying to say? Just because your personal "troublesome" childhood was not what you wanted/expected from life it is ok for gay people to get marry and have children? Hmmmm
As for men understanding men and women understanding women, you solved the puzzle of peace in humans lives! Tomorrow lets convince all companies, countries, people of this world to unite into a huge gay family! We will understand each other better and we will breed kids with no problems whatsoever! Men with men and women with women = No problems in this world... Yeah! Right! And I'm the Incredible HULK

If that ain't the absolute division of humans then what is?
Let me ask the wise people of this thread this what-if scenario:
If your parents weren't straight would you exist in order to be right here, right now, to play your democratic, reasonable, righteous, etc. games?
And no! I'm not talking about being adopted or this and that! Even if one was adopted he/she surely didn't came in existence by gay people but from straight ones!
Seed and Seed = No Life...
Field and Field = No Life...
Seed and Field = Life...
Anything else, clearly, is absolute BS!
Even with the aid of modern science the same rules apply! And even after that possible day that a real life Junior "miracle" will occur the same rules will be on!