gay marriage

mdnky said:
I think what it boils down to is people need to take a long, hard look at the issue at hand...

I have. I did about ten years ago and I was as sure then as I am now.

The dynamics of the argument have not changed one bit, only now we have people who throw up obfuscating clouds of 'attacks on civil liberties' and other yawn-educing trivia...
mdnky said:
I think what it boils down to is people need to take a long, hard look at the issue at hand. You may not like the idea of it, which is fine. But preventing it would be wrong as it has absolutely nothing to do with you.

I said that I will not post to this thread again... I'm trying hard not to reply to some things here... But I cannot help myself! Your gay interest replies are making me mad! However...

Here it is:
We, the people who do not want gay people to marry each other, are the ones with prejudice and this and that? Isn't that an absolute contradiction to gay nature or what? :rolleyes: Gay people are the epitome of prejudism! They are living everyday in their own prejudice against their opposite sex Both psychological and physically! Instead of them trying to find a cure for their "disease" they go ahead and embrace it AND try to make that sound like it is a normal, logical, democratic, rational, right, truthful to human nature design, etc.

As for your:
"But preventing it would be wrong as it has absolutely nothing to do with you."
According to who? To you? It has everything to do with others you know? Just because some messed up minds and/or chemicals in some peoples' bodies out there want to do whatever they want to do, that doesn't mean that we have to accept their ways!

You want to call us, racists, prejudists, homophobes, whatever, go ahead and call us... THAT is your right! Still, I don't think that the straight people are having gay people their slaves, group beating them, rape them, treat them like animals, etc. :rolleyes:

About gay marriage: Why get marry in the first place? Why you NEED that? To complete what? To seal your love with each other like normal couples do? I have a special message for you: Being gay ISN'T normal! Not in ANY way! Psychological or physical! Even if gay people try to tell us otherwise!

Nah! Gay people should live their gay life the way are living it in the first place... Twisted! Get a divorce instead! Not get married! Or have a trip into the heart of an active volcano... Jump from the top of Eiffel Tower without ropes or something! Continue to live your gay life in twisted ways... That's what you are anyways capable of... Twist everything!

Penguins and in general animals have nothing to do with gay rights! When was the last time that you heard about animals getting marry in a church, town hall or whatever? Because if gay people believe that because some animals out there are "loving" animals of the same sex and they too need to "love" other "animals" of the same gay interest then they should not need to marry in the first place... Animals don't do that! ::ha::

On the other hand it seems clear that some "animals" out there want to do whatever gay thing they believe in :mad:

Gay people should live their joyful, truthful, lovely gay life and embrace whatever beliefs they may have and let others live their miserable, full of lies and misconceptions straight life :D

The problem in this age and time isn't that gay people cannot marry each other but that more and more straight people are becoming gay and/or divorcing... That in itself is disgusting to say the least...

And I too, know and respect gay people... And even my, from time to time, hair styler is gay! Respect gay people but up to a point! Respecting someone isn't the same as letting him/her do or don't do whatever he/she pleases!

Damn! We don't let our children do whatever they want! That doesn't mean that we do not respect them, love them or whatever! :mad: Damn it even more! Because we don't let ourselves do whatever we want to do MANY times during our everyday lives! And certainly most of use DO love and DO respect ourselves :mad:
eh..thats some post...don't know where to start...maybe the part about you knowing and respecting gay people.. Not to put too fine a point on it but are you gay hulk?...Lilbandit runs for cover to Ireland's finest nuclear fallout shelter (The Big Tree pub, Dublin)
Respect gay people but up to a point
You either respect someone or you don't.

hair styler is gay
Aren't you afraid he/she will make a pass at you? How horrible would that be.

Respecting someone isn't the same as letting him/her do or don't do whatever he/she pleases!
You don't have the Right to let anyone do/not do what they want.

This thread has gotten way out of hand, and shows that some of you have no idea what life, respect, friendship, understanding, is about. Actually, it makes some look like complete morons.
lilbandit said:
eh..thats some post...don't know where to start...maybe the part about you knowing and respecting gay people.. Not to put too fine a point on it but are you gay hulk?...Lilbandit runs for cover to Ireland's finest nuclear fallout shelter (The Big Tree pub, Dublin)

Run for cover! :D

Seriously, now: No, I'm not gay! Sir Ian McKellen or whatever his name is, surely is! :)
"Respect gay people but up to a point
You either respect someone or you don't. "

You can respect ANYONE by faking it, by really respecting him/her or by simply playing by the social rules like in a party or something :rolleyes:

"hair styler is gay
Aren't you afraid he/she will make a pass at you? How horrible would that be."

Errr... No? It would not be horrible! I would simply avoid "him" like I do with women, girls, et al :rolleyes: So, far "he" didn't try to hit it! :)

"Respecting someone isn't the same as letting him/her do or don't do whatever he/she pleases!
You don't have the Right to let anyone do/not do what they want."

Actually, I have! :D For example the mods here... They are telling us what to do/don't do;)

"This thread has gotten way out of hand, and shows that some of you have no idea what life, respect, friendship, understanding, is about. Actually, it makes some look like complete morons."

Maybe so, maybe so... :confused:

But at least I ain't gay! :D
MBHockey said:
because the whole point of marriage is to have a family, the natural way i guess.

don't get me wrong, i dont get why people care what other people do, if they love each other that's all that matters

the marriage's purpose is not only to have a family and kids. maybe people jut want to be officially with the person they love. whether they want to have kids or not.

if people love each other, i think it's that what matters.
and love is not a problem.
chemistry_geek said:
I DO have a problem with Gay Marriage. One, it should NOT be called "marriage" as a marriage is a religious union between a MAN and a WOMAN, forms the basis of a family unit, and is recognized by laws all over the world as such with rights. If the gay population wants to get "married" or "garried" then a new term(s) should be introduced to indicate the union between a MAN and a MAN ("gamenarried"), and a WOMAN and a WOMAN ("gawarried"). ,,,

I am female, and I am not religious. My boy friend is not religious either.
As we are not Christian, according to that point of view, we should not be enabled to have a marriage? And especially not if we have no urge to overpopulate the world more (ie have ny kids)?
Actually, I have! For example the mods here... They are telling us what to do/don't do

Actually, you don't. The mods here are not telling you what you can/can't do, only make sure board rules are followed.

But at least I ain't gay

You may not be gay, but you certainly do show your ignorance on the subject.
hulkaros said:
I wish Arden that this subject was that easy to solve :rolleyes: But it ain't :eek:

But because I see that this thread will keep going on, I will ask some REAL questions to the whole "free" gay community around here:
-What about the cases of parents making sex with their own children/family members?
-What about the cases of people who like to thief others?
-What about the cases of people who like to not only take drugs but spread them also, one way or another?
-What about the cases of people who carry guns like it's all over Western Cowboy films again?
-What about the cases of people who enjoy group sex?
-What about the cases of people who constantly bully other people around?
-What about the cases of people who take money in order to sell out themselves and other people/companies/whatever?
-What about the cases of people who cheat on their families sexually and in other ways?
-What about the cases of people who "make" sex to animals?
-What about the cases of people who enjoy being sexually abused or abuse others?
-What about this and that?:

And what exactly do those questions have to do with gays and gay marraiges?

All the gays I know are normal people. I don't believe they fancy group sex, sadomasochism, violent behaviour etc any more than non-gays. Actually, I would not expect really that kind of behaviour of those gays / bi that I know.

I think those questions can be adopted to the children of the heteros, not just same-sex marraiges.
bobw said:
Actually, I have! For example the mods here... They are telling us what to do/don't do

Actually, you don't. The mods here are not telling you what you can/can't do, only make sure board rules are followed.

But at least I ain't gay

You may not be gay, but you certainly do show your ignorance on the subject.

Thanks for letting me know this kind of things! You put me in perspective...

Long live the gay people who are perfect, healthy, correct, whatever in every other area that non gay people are... Let's all unite into a beatiful gay loving life!

Long live the gay people! Long live the way of gay people! Long live the gay perfection! All HAIL to the gay people of this world! Come on! Everyone! Embrace the gay way of life! The non ignorant one! :rolleyes:

*gets back to his ignorant, non-gay life, enjoying Bad Boys II scene with the gay stuff in the store all while eating his non-gay Pizza*
Giaguara said:
And what exactly do those questions have to do with gays and gay marraiges?

All the gays I know are normal people. I don't believe they fancy group sex, sadomasochism, violent behaviour etc any more than non-gays. Actually, I would not expect really that kind of behaviour of those gays / bi that I know.

I think those questions can be adopted to the children of the heteros, not just same-sex marraiges.

Nah! Nothing! Ignore my rant... I've embraced the gay side of my everyday, on line, life by now :rolleyes:

Long live the gay people! ::love::

PS. One of my favorite songs of all time: Electric Six - Gay Bar :D
Peace and love.
Love yourself and the one that you love.
Close your eyes, and breath deeply .. this topic probably is better with a break for elaboration...

Here we go again.

Whatever your opinions are, please respect other people and their opinions. Remember that theorically there is the whole world reppresented here, so please no bad taste comments regarding anyone's sexual behaviour, race, ehtnicity etc, especially in this contest. And it applies to everyone. Keep it civil. :)

This topic is too interesting to keep on shelf.
It was shut down for awhile to give one or two people some time to cool off. We are not required to give warnings.

Your blog = Excellent.
Nevertheless it was one of the most animated discussions for a long time. Somebody posted a thread a while back saying that things have become a little sterile on the forum. Everyone agreeing, nobody sticking to their guns etc., given the lack of firey threads recently maybe a well worded, short warning (while not required) might have been more productive. I don't like any kind of ad hominem arguments but I think everyone enjoys a lively discussion. Just asking you guys to moderate not dictate.