mdnky said:
I think what it boils down to is people need to take a long, hard look at the issue at hand. You may not like the idea of it, which is fine. But preventing it would be wrong as it has absolutely nothing to do with you.
I said that I will not post to this thread again... I'm trying hard not to reply to some things here... But I cannot help myself! Your gay interest replies are making me mad! However...
Here it is:
We, the people who do not want gay people to marry each other, are the ones with prejudice and this and that? Isn't that an absolute contradiction to gay nature or what?

Gay people are the epitome of prejudism! They are living everyday in their own prejudice against their opposite sex Both psychological and physically! Instead of them trying to find a cure for their "disease" they go ahead and embrace it AND try to make that sound like it is a normal, logical, democratic, rational, right, truthful to human nature design, etc.
As for your:
"But preventing it would be wrong as it has absolutely nothing to do with you."
According to who? To you? It has everything to do with others you know? Just because some messed up minds and/or chemicals in some peoples' bodies out there want to do whatever they want to do, that doesn't mean that we have to accept their ways!
You want to call us, racists, prejudists, homophobes, whatever, go ahead and call us... THAT is your right! Still, I don't think that the straight people are having gay people their slaves, group beating them, rape them, treat them like animals, etc.
About gay marriage: Why get marry in the first place? Why you NEED that? To complete what? To seal your love with each other like normal couples do? I have a special message for you:
Being gay ISN'T normal! Not in ANY way! Psychological or physical! Even if gay people try to tell us otherwise!
Nah! Gay people should live their gay life the way are living it in the first place... Twisted! Get a divorce instead! Not get married! Or have a trip into the heart of an active volcano... Jump from the top of Eiffel Tower without ropes or something! Continue to live your gay life in twisted ways... That's what you are anyways capable of... Twist everything!
Penguins and in general animals have nothing to do with gay rights! When was the last time that you heard about animals getting marry in a church, town hall or whatever? Because if gay people believe that because some animals out there are "loving" animals of the same sex and they too need to "love" other "animals" of the same gay interest then they should not need to marry in the first place... Animals don't do that! ::ha::
On the other hand it seems clear that some "animals" out there want to do whatever gay thing they believe in
Gay people should live their joyful, truthful, lovely gay life and embrace whatever beliefs they may have and let others live their miserable, full of lies and misconceptions straight life
The problem in this age and time isn't that gay people cannot marry each other but that more and more straight people are becoming gay and/or divorcing... That in itself is disgusting to say the least...
And I too, know and respect gay people... And even my, from time to time, hair styler is gay! Respect gay people but up to a point! Respecting someone isn't the same as letting him/her do or don't do whatever he/she pleases!
Damn! We don't let our children do whatever they want! That doesn't mean that we do not respect them, love them or whatever!

Damn it even more! Because we don't let ourselves do whatever we want to do MANY times during our everyday lives! And certainly most of use DO love and DO respect ourselves