Geekiness percentage

Am sure it was all that star trek trivia that did for me, that and doing a science degree which i think gave me a whole bunch of points. I think i'f id ever played Magic the Gathering or D&D i would have been in the 40% region, thankfully i studiously avoided that scene.
I have to work out the English equivalents of some of the questions: what's 'SCA'?

Leaving out boxes that don't have an English equivalent – 23.66864. :D
Gah...I'm more of a geek than I thought I was. I was going around, actually answering truthfully, thinking I'd only get something like 10% or so...but then this popped up when I hit 'Rank My Geekiness':

44.18146% - Major Geek

No wonder I haven't been getting any dates lately... Figures, too; I can always remember trying not to be too geeky. :D
:D 44 % ? Pretty geeky, Darkshadow ..

Hey, there is an easy solution ... date geeks. I think the female geeks aren't probably as common, but I think I know 3-4 other girls who could score over 30 % ..
46.74556 - Super Geek

No idea why ?!? I don't feel so. I just feel FEA2 0010 A56A 0981.
Giaguara said:
:D 44 % ? Pretty geeky, Darkshadow ..

Hey, there is an easy solution ... date geeks. I think the female geeks aren't probably as common, but I think I know 3-4 other girls who could score over 30 % ..

I've not yet met a nice looking female geek.
Well, I feel better now. There's someone geekier than me around. :D

Yeah, I agree, Chevy, I haven't met any, either.
13.01775% - Geekish Tendencies

Geekish tendencies?
Alright, I guess I can live with that :p
hm, i think anyone who finished it gets extra points anyway.

I got, more than I thought. I've always thought of myself as a geek, and apparently I've been correct!
