general explanation required


I have a fairly general question about the interaction of the MAC OS X port of X11 and the underlying UNIX layers of the OS itself. I installed X11 yesterday and am now attempting to add basic pieces of software like Eterm, SciTe, etc. The problem I keep running into is that even after doing a successful ./configure, make, make install, a given package frequently can't find the dependencies I just added. Is this simply an architectural problem? I am also running Fink and FinkCommander, unfortunately the packages are somewhat out of date (there is an Imlib 1.9 but no Imlib2), and the ones I really want (like SciTe) and basic like xscreensaver, just aren't there. I've heard about the Portage port, but have yet to see it available for download. Any general info about how X11 and OS X are interacting would be much appreciated as well as some practical advice on how to get my machine to do what I want it to.
I've been coding on Linux for a couple of years and my sole reason for getting my iBook was the nice combination of Photoshop capabilities and a UNIX kernel without having to dual boot (Which is what I did on my old system)

One essential thing is to install the X11 developer package which Apple provides. It is located in the margin of Apple's main X11 download page.

Once you have this installed you should be able to build a lot of X11 packages. One that I have enjoyed playing with was X-Cruise, a 3D file browser.
Is the package you are referring to xTools? I have grabbed that and the Tcl libraries (to get DarwinPorts working) and I have already installed the Apple Developer tools that came packaged on the computer.... I am still not clear on what exactly this will allow me to build: stock X11 packages or packages that have specifically been ported to MAC OS X.
Slur is referring to the Software Developers Kit. The link is on the X11 download page, as Slur said in that post.