getting rid of InternetExplorer522.dmg


A few weeks ago I installed the latest Explorer. But the Installer sits on the desktop and I cannot trash it. I get a message stating InternetExplorer522.dmg is currently being used.

I have READ & WRITE ACCESS but just cannot trash that installer. Any ideas?
Have you tried to log in and delete the file as root? The unwanted file sits in /Users/(username)/desktop/...dmg. THIS WAY you should get rid of it!

Or perhaps you have just not unmounted the dmg file? In this instance, simply click it and choose "reject".
because IE 5.2.2 messes with permissions, open Disk Utility, choose First Aid tab, click on your volume and click on Repair Disk Permissions. That will find lots to repair after IE install. (What's that all about, MS?) Then suggest a full reboot. You should then be able to remove that .dmg file.
I did the permission repair with disk Utility and tried trashing the root. Still have the same problem. I even double-clicked and got an error 95 message saying it failed to mount due to no mountable file system.

Any other ideas?
Try this from the Terminal [where '/downloads' is the absolute path to your downloads dirctory]:

sudo find /downloads -name "InternetExplorer522.dmg" -exec rm {} \;

Then trash/eject the "Install Internet Explorer" drive image from the desktop.
I have InternetExplorer522.dmg on my desktop + in the desktops folder in the USERS folder. I cannot move them anywhere. I tried that command you gave but no changes.

I don't really understand about 'the absolute path for the downloads folder'. My downloads folder is named d/l and is on my desktop. Any other ideas for getting rid of this? I was able to delete the Explorer application.

And that command you gave there is a
' sign both above and below the command. Should I do that to? I tried both ways and still no change.
I got rid of that InternetExplorer522.dng by restarting using 9.2.2 and then finding it and trashing it. Now in OS X.2 -- it cannot be found. Anyone know why this .dng I could not trash using X.2? IS this why so many people hate Microsoft?

Thanks to all who tried to help.