Getting "Start Up Disk is Almost Full" when I have 2.5 gigs left


I have tried to update a number of programs and I keep getting the message that my start up disk if full. I have run Clean My Mac and erased a number of files. Now I have 2.5 gigs open and I just got that same message when I tried to update my iPhone.

Any ideas?
2.5 GB *is* almost nothing left for a system trying to use virtual memory (i.e. copying RAM to the harddrive) and backing up your iPhone etc. Get it to 10 GB or 20 GB again.
Download the cache cleaning program like Onyx or Yasu and run all the cleaning routines. Let the program reboot your Mac then upon that reboot immediately to completely rebuild your startup/shutdown system cache.

Doing this kind of software maintenance should clear out all the cache files. It maybe a little smart to do cache cleaning about once every four months. This will keep OS X running in top shape.

Now consider getting and external drive to move the iTunes Media folder off your internal drive. This will save a lot of space in your internal drive because video will eat hard drive space fast.