Getting the second tray to eject


Excuse me for being very, very dim... but how do I get the bottom CD tray to eject on my G4 (OSX 10.2.8)?

Attached is a pic of the machine. Is there no second drive- the bottom hole is simply a cover in case I want to put one in?

I bought this machine a week ago from work, where it never got used. Nobody there can tell me anything about it!


  • Nmac.jpg
    47.8 KB · Views: 11
Probably doesn't have a second drive in it. Open the side of the case and look. Right hand side, latch near top.
Thanks very much for that Bob. Looked inside the case and it would appear that there is another drive in there. Any ideas?


  • NigeMac.jpg
    43.4 KB · Views: 12
You only have one optical drive. You cannot place a second optical drive in that machine without some Dremel'ing.

The second bay is for an Apple-shipped Zip drive. If you have a Zip drive, the lower bezel in the front would have a cutout for the Zip drive.

You have no secondary drive in there.
What Jeff said.
The enclosure under the drive is for a Zip drive if it was there.