Give me my free iTunes tunes back!

Way back when I first started using iTunes, it came with a bunch of free tunes (50? 100? 200?). But as part of some upgrade or another, I somehow deleted that initial Library. ARRGH!

So my quest is to get those free iTunes tunes back. Can you help me?

If your answer is, "They're on your Software Restore and/or OS CDs," I've already looked. But if your retort is, "You obviously haven't looked hard enough, so just tell me which ones you have, please," the answer is that I have the Software Restore for my 3-year old Dual USB iBook, and the original CDs for 10.0.3 (that came with the iBook) and the CDs for Jaguar.

The songs that were included on earlier iBooks and iMacs with iTunes are not on the restore CDs. They were only on the hard drive.

There was a note included with the computer/manual or a text file included with the songs that explained that if you wanted to keep the songs, you'd have to back them up before reformatting/reinstalling the system.
I have a dual USB iBook 500 thats about 3 years old, and I know the songs you're talking about. These can be reinstalled, but they weren't in the Mac OS X or MacOS9 system install CDs. They were in the 4 grey-coloured CDs with "iBook" and "Software Restore 1 of 4" and so on. (The little icon of the CD juggling man in the corner).

You will need to COMPLETELY wipe your system in the process of installing off these CDs, and you will then find the songs you want are installed in the Mac OS 9 version of iTunes ONLY. Its inconvenient, I know, but if you take the time to backup your stuff first you can do it in an evening.
symphonix said:
and you will then find the songs you want are installed in the Mac OS 9 version of iTunes ONLY.

I had them on my first iMac which shipped with 10.1. I seem to remember 'B52's - Loveshack' was one of them.
Gasp! Groan! NOOOOOO!

I was afraid you fellas would say something like that.

Hmmm. IF those songs are on the OS 9 version of iTunes on the restore CDs, and IF they need to be installed, therefore, on a blank HD, THEN could I simply create a separate volume and "restore" those CDs onto that volume? Would that really require an entire blasted wipe? Haven't I heard about some cool utility somewhere that would allow me to create a new volume without wiping the entire HD?

Thanks for the info. Keep it coming!
I once had to restore World Book from the restore CDs, and this worked: just copy all the .dmg files to your hard drive, and open the first one. You'll get an image disk of your HD when you first bought your computer, and there you may copy the mp3 files. However, I don't remember having free songs with iTunes when I bought my iMac. It'll be three years in April, maybe my memory failed...