I have a lot of problems setting up a software router in OS X. I have a beige G3 with dual ethernet; one is connected to a dsl modem the other to a hub. 4 other computers connect to the hub. In OS 9, I had IpNetRouter runing on the G3 and it would share its internet connection with the network.
I've just installed OS X thinking that it would be easy to configure the Router with all the great free software. Boy was I wrong. I have tried gNAT, geeRouter, Vicomsoft Gateway beta, and Brickhouse and I can'T get any of them to work.
I have even tried to do in in the command line, with an online tutorial at http://homepage.mac.com/gdif/masqfirewall.html
I think the command line should get it working but I need some help. I can't logon as superuser. I type in sudo (why can't I just use su???) Root and then I get prompted for the password, which is blank, but it doesn't work. I went to check in my preferences -> users and it seems that my password has been changed by OS X!! What is this password?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update: I've manage to logon to root using sudo -s
I've just installed OS X thinking that it would be easy to configure the Router with all the great free software. Boy was I wrong. I have tried gNAT, geeRouter, Vicomsoft Gateway beta, and Brickhouse and I can'T get any of them to work.
I have even tried to do in in the command line, with an online tutorial at http://homepage.mac.com/gdif/masqfirewall.html
I think the command line should get it working but I need some help. I can't logon as superuser. I type in sudo (why can't I just use su???) Root and then I get prompted for the password, which is blank, but it doesn't work. I went to check in my preferences -> users and it seems that my password has been changed by OS X!! What is this password?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update: I've manage to logon to root using sudo -s