GnuCash anyone?

I'm trying now to build it from source, and it's got a set of dependencies that aren't included by default on Mac OS X. So I'm doing a bit of downloading with Fink to satisfy the missing pieces. We'll see how it goes.

The first broken dependency was "ltdl.h" from libtool. It's actually on my system, just not where the configure script expects it. So I ran this command:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/libtool/libltdl/ltdl.h /usr/include/ltdl.h

Next it couldn't find the "glib-config" script, so I installed glib 1.2.10-8 from Fink.

Finally it complained about "gettext" with the message "error: Cannot find gettext -- do you need to build -lintl?"

After attempting to solve this issue unsuccessfully I gave up. Next!
In case anyone is interested.

It took me 36 hours to complete, most of that (it seems) with my mac running at 100% CPU compiling and linking, but in the end it is as simple as:

set up fink to include the unstable tree (details in the FAQ) and do:

fink install gnucash

It will fall over several times as it pulls in more than 169 packages that it needs to install but if you are persistent in fetching the missing files it will complete on about the 4th or 5th attempt (each time it starts from where it failed last time).

First impressions are **pretty good**.

At last no more VPC, no u$ and no more Quicken!
Good work, JB. I had no idea it was in Fink's unstable tree. I think I'll do as you suggest and get that unstable tree after all!