Go Apple Go Apple !!!!!

That's not really that funny... and it's quite gross looking close-up at someone's ear.

Plus, I have a cube, and IT IS MUCH BETTER THAN AN EARPLUG.

:mad: :mad:

Get a real sense of humor. ;)
The technology to control appliances alraedy exists..it has to do with pluging some sort of device in to your computer and into a power suply and it control all electrical appliances in the house, even blenders... I dont know what its called or who makes it though  (or maybe it was just a demo  )

As far as remotes, bluetooth is probably better since its newer. Airport for wireless MP3 players he he. You can put this in your living room and the computer is gonna transmit to this device -- Maybe a small touchpad remote (alla PADD) would be nice to control song selection and other music playing features 

That was made by X10 www.x10.com you can get the software from thinkinghome.com or something like that you can find it on versiontracker.com
OK people, let's think about what Jobs said. What would be the hub of *our* digital future? What would be useful for the masses yet get every geek in the country jumping up and down with glee? It certainly wouldn't be a JUST a PDA. Hmmm......Could it a device with many uses? I'll bet it's a Newton-style PDA / MP3 Player / cell phone / web browser with tons of memory (now that it's cheap), device ports such that a camera could be connected to it. Have you people all lost your Star Trek imagination? Don't just "Think Different", "Think Geek". This device, IMHO, would be the hub of our digital future. Appointment calendar, note taker, cell phone, web browser, voice / speech recognition software, MP3 player, image capture - perfect for the masses. Possibly made with a Titanium case to match our favorite top-of-the-line portable supercomputer. We all know it's going to be stylish and sleek, and I think Apple learned a few leassons along the way. It won't be a flop like Newton and the Cube. Almost everyone has a cell phone and many people have some sort of PDA. Add an MP3 player along with it and you've got a killer product.

It's a matter transporter! I bet they finally perfected it, and worked out the major kinks (the biggest one was having the matter transported). Besides that, I'm sure it would look stylish, and would be the "digital hub" of our future, not to mention extremely useful, and every geek would be wanting one.

Chemistry_geek: I'm sure this satisfies your definition of 'revolutionary' that you gave us, eh? ;)
I haven't seen anything on the net about Apple possibly making an eBook device.

It would seem like a great product that Apple could really pave a way for the industry to follow.

Allright, bets are on. We've got MP3 player, palmtop, digicam, firewire2, airport2, appliance control, and at an outside chance, matter transporter. I hope it's some sort of death ray!
However, I'm putting my money on an Airport 2 base station that is actually a media player etc with AV in and out. Why?
- Apple have been saying that Airport 2 is near completion, and they were only waiting for the IEEE consortium to finalise the communication standards.
- They talked about this in terms of a digital hub, with "Home-RF" type abilities such as controlling appliances, robots, and streaming media. Hence, we could see why the iTunes and QuickTime teams would be involved.
- They also promised significant increases in speed. (Around 5x Airport 1)

I hope its not an Mp3 player, I just bought one!
A smiple MP3 player ???
Bah! make it a supper dupper PDA to compete with PocketPC 2002 and the iPaq 3870 (which I just bought by the way :p).... How about a new StrongARM based PDA that can emulate the PalmOS, Linux OS, Symbian OS, and PocketPC OS all while running on PocketX he he ;) My emulator heaven:rolleyes:

I CANT wait till the realease of the 64bit StrongARM processor. That will REALLY give a boost to PDAs ;-)
hey, Admiral, how is the iPaq???

I am thinking of getting again a PDA...I had a Visor but I hate PalmOS, so I switched over to a Nokia Communicator 9210, which has a better OS if you ask me (IIRC it's called EPOC). I never used WindowsCE, but I am thinking of buying either a WindowsCE PDA or a Linux PDA....Linux would be better for me, but I have no clue which good Linux PDAs exist...IF they already exist...
I just ordered it from compaq 2 days ago ;)
The official release date is the 8th of november I think.

Once I get it in my hands I will do extensive tests and comparisons to my newton and report back :D

I dispise the Palm too :P its just too....inefficitent I love my newton but cant do mobile email without cords (IrDA is a baby on the newton :-( )...

I like the Nokia 92xx series but no truband phone, so I would have to buy 2...so no way... I was going to buy an Epoc bases Revo Plus which is small and nice, but PSION discontinued production of all consumer models. Its a nice PDA, but I think it would require a table of surface to set it on to use it (or you could "thumb" type lol)....

Anyway, I decided to go the way to the PocketPC to try something new. Besides, its highly customizable (which the Revo was not), and I can add greek to it :D
My girlfriend had a good idea, what if its one of those new satallite radio recievers, conneced to the mac and you can pull in the stream into iTunes or QuickTime.

Another idea is one of those thingys that lets you broadcast from your computer on an FM band so that you can send music to your home stereo system.
I have been wanting one of those devices ever sinc I got my drivers license (4-5 years ago :p) since my car has neither a tape deck not a cd player :p
I know. My boss told me. And i belive him. Its a home raido that runs w/ i tunes. And you can hook it up to a network and anyone on that network can run the raido. But he didnt know a price.

Thats it. I believe.

Originally posted by LordOphidian
My girlfriend had a good idea, what if its one of those new satallite radio recievers, conneced to the mac and you can pull in the stream into iTunes or QuickTime.
That is one of the coolest suggestions I have heard in a long time. They are releasing these for cars soon. And it would coincide with the rumors that apple is loosing the feed it uses to find streaming mp3.

Since its a digital HUB, how about this:

1) satellite radio -> pc in any room

The hub pulls in the Sat feed and streams it to your computer in the yard, or sends it direct to your stereo.

2) mp3/cd/internet radio in any room -> home stereo

Have a huge party, and set up a playlist on your iMac in the back room. iMac streams it to the hub, the hub pumps up your stereo, and throws iTunes visuals onto your tv.

3) home automation

Similar to what x10 has, but much cooler. you buy the x10 modules, and control them through your TV or your Mac. The hub acts as the collector of all the frequencies.

4) watch dvd/quicktime

Ability to stream a movie from your mac to the tv. No wires needed. now macs will never need video out.

5) <B>RECORD TV/RADIO</B> alla TiVO style.

The HUB records tv/dvd/radio and allows you to watch from any computer in the house. Screw multiple TiVO's, have one unit and multiple computers. Of course, it would do this all done with digital security to prevent the RIAA, MPAA and that hoopla.

I would be tempted to say that it has a DVD player in it too, but I think that might bring up the price a little too much. But it would be SWEET.

Hell, I'll go balls out:

the HUB: DVD player/ Sat Radio Reciever / Video+Music Distributor / Home Control

I know that I would want one of these things.

[edit] $ sed s/allah/alla/g [/edit]

small grammatical correction

alla = french word for "in the fashion/manner of"
allah = arabic word for god :p

I believe it has something to do with the latest addition to our iDisks...

That's alotta mp3s (although each one has the full song plus 10/20/30/60 sec snippets)! Apple musta put them there for some reason.
I doubt it, those MP3’s were put there so people could use royalty free music for there iMovie’s . . . Check the official Apple site for more information on that . . .

As for my guess, I could care less Tuesday is not that far away.